This Month's Special!
 Neu-Becalm'd . . . A New Beginning For Life!
Ext. 4871KB
Previously Available Only From Hospitals, Clinics and Rehab Centers.

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 beCALM'd is 
 100% All Natural

 It is Amino Acids  
 and Vitamins in 
 a Special Formula! 

Concentration and 
 Mental Focus.  
 Helps you to Sleep  
 Better! And more!

 No Drugs
No Chemicals!

Do You Suffer From Irritability, Outburst of Anger or Even Rage?

Neu-BeCalm'd . . . For Anger Management!

When We Are Low In Serotonin . . .

We Feel Immediately Impatient, Irritable
And We Are Quick To Anger!

Natural Product
For Anger Management
Serotonin provides numerous calming and stabilizing actions in the brain and body.

When we have enough serotonin, we feel emotionally stable, we can sleep, we can sort out the feelings and determine in a logical manner if there is a threat present.

Anger is a normal, human emotion that always occurs after, we experience something that causes us frustration, worry, etc.

Usually, this is associated with some form of stress . . . emotional, family, psychological, work or a related experience.

When we are under a great deal of stress, our brain will use up neutransmitters (brain chemicals) quickly which are designed to help maintain calm and allow us to maintain normal thinking, feeling and actions. Serotonin is just one of these important brain chemicals - when we have a shortage of serotonin, lookout! We are . . .

  • Impatient . . .
  • Irritable . . .
  • We fly off the handle easily . . .
  • We have a short attention span . . .
  • We can be abusive . . .
  • In other words, we become a real pain!

BeCalm'd is formulated to directly help with our normal metabolism to produce these chemicals in balanced, necessary levels to maintain normal function.

When we have these important nutritional building blocks for the brain chemicals needed during "anger" or stress, we are better able to deal effectively with our thoughts and emotions and achieve positive results.

Try NeuBecalm'd™ - The Nutrition Solution
and Feel the Difference!

To Order By Mail Or Fax - Click Here

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By Email . . . Click Here!

Toll Free Credit Card Orders:
US: 866-227-0068 Extension: 4871KB
Canadian: 615 223 1367 Order Code: 4871KB

Betty Laughlin - Contact Us
Order By Phone: (615)223-1367
Independent Distributor ID# 4871KB

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Statements relating to these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Previously Available Only From Hospitals, Clinics and Rehab Centers.
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